Next Generation

SEKISUI化学株式会社“自然创新”研究支援计划. 有限公司


To aid the application of scientific knowledge in manufacturing, 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台一直在实施“自然研究支持计划”, SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO. 有限公司” since fiscal 2002, 以纪念娱乐大发澳门赌博平台成立55周年. In fiscal 2023, 研究补助金资助了三个以“制造”为主题的项目和十一个以“基础研究”为主题的项目, for a total of 14 grants from among 240 applications.

Fiscal 2023 Support Themes

Manufacturing Theme

名字 Affiliated institution Position
Grant-Receiving Research Theme
吴克群日本田岛 Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University 创造高强度纤维材料,模仿活生物体中纤维素纤维的形成机制
Yoshihiro Mihara 北海道理科大学医学部讲师. of Medicinal Chemistry 借鉴有孔虫的浮选机理,研制易捕集的吸附污染物的浮选吸附剂
Hiroshi Isoda 京都大学可持续人类圈研究所教授 利用木材的膨胀和收缩特性,设计和试验制造一个微调的环境原型

Fundamental Research Theme

名字 Affiliated institution Position
Grant-Receiving Research Theme
Kazutaka Akiyoshi Assistant Professor, Nagoya University 受矿物结构启发,利用半导体纳米晶体开发光学功能材料
汪东城Arima Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University 封闭循环的陆基水产养殖和水培,模仿受细菌群落启发的山间溪流
Chang, Tso-Fu Mark Associate Professor, Laboratory for Materials and Structures, Institute for Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology 植物根系多相催化材料的研究进展
Mugihito OSHIRO Assistant Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University 为设计受传统发酵食品启发的和谐有益微生物群落奠定基础
Akira Yamaguchi Tenure-tracking assistant professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology 深海热液环境中生命的出现激发了热液条件下的电化学二氧化碳还原
久保Wakana Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology 受动物皮毛图案启发的热控材料的开发
小君Takaya 东京工业大学理学院化学系副教授 光能/金属协同催化实现聚合物降解
IGUCHI Yoshio Assistant Professor, Department of Molecular Genetics, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine 利用昆虫化学感觉受体的哺乳动物神经元群的远程激活策略
小林哟 Associate professor, Department of Mechanical Science & 生物工程,大阪大学工程科学研究生院 生物触觉信息处理方法的发展与应用
Kazuki Tanifuji Assistant Professor, International Research Center for Elements Science, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 生物启发簇催化剂:推进氮还原超越酶转化
Kaoru松尾 大阪都市大学农业大学院助理教授 考虑气候变化的“可持续城市和社区”的绿色空间保护与发展

受自然研究支持计划启发的2023财政年度创新获奖者, SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO. 有限公司.

The online award ceremony was held on Friday, October 13, 2023.

Information on past grant themes

与作为2022财年“自然研究支持计划启发的创新”的一部分获得支持的主题相关的研究成果, SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO. 发表在国际科学期刊Advanced Optical Materials(2301086)。.

Fiscal 2022 Support Themes

SAITO Akira(Associate Professor, Osaka University) Realization of “Bright, 广泛, 和无色散“从蝴蝶学习透射光学材料”, 蛾, 和植物

Past grant research themes


Innovations Inspired by Nature Forum 2022

To realize a sustainable society, 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台正在通过寻求“业务增长”,扩大通过业务解决各种社会问题的贡献, 改革, and creation centered on ESG management.”

“自然创新论坛”旨在报告“自然创新”科研支持计划的成果, 该基金资助那些利用从自然中获得的基础科学知识和自然在创新中的作用的研究, as well as to promote research exchanges among involved researchers.

In fiscal 2022, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Forum, the lectures and poster session, 之前在关水化学京都研究所举行的, were held online.In the lecture session, 十大赌博娱乐平台收到了大阪大学名誉教授镰町三春的贺词, who was the first chairman of the original jury, and Professor Junji Watanabe of the Tokyo Institute of Technology, who is the current chairman of the current jury. 博士和. 祐一津田, Hayabusa2 Project Manager of JAXA, gave a lecture titled "Technology and Management of Hayabusa2, 它成功地完成了到龙宫小行星的星际往返。”.

To ensure active sharing of opinions even online, 集团设置了两个会场——成果展示会场和讨论会场. 结果展示场地仅用于展示预先录制的演示大纲视频. 这使得演讲者能够在讨论场地上全身心地投入到讨论中.

这种方法的采用受到好评,因为它使结果展示者和参与者能够集中精力分享意见, which led to active discussions.

Innovations Inspired by Nature Forum 2022

  • The first chairman
    Professor Emeritus Mikiharu Kamachi

  • The current chairman
    Professor Junji Watanabe

  • 讲师
    Professor 祐一津田


  • 演示地点:播放事先录制的演示视频.
    (Clicking on the arrow will not start the video.)

  • Discussion venue: An active discussion was held online with
    the grant recipients who made presentations.